5 Ways to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy

5 ways to reduce stretch marks

-by Anjana Malakar

Your beautiful pregnant bump holds the most precious thing in the world, doesn’t it? But that gorgeous bump is also responsible for the not so pleasant “mommy scars” or stretch marks. Almost all pregnant women get stretch marks on their belly and breasts. Some even get them on their legs, thighs, back and arms. While it may not be possible to avoid stretch marks completely, you can surely lessen their appearance by using a good anti stretch mark oil. Some stretch marks naturally tend to fade to faint and silvery lines while others may remain darker and more prominent. Experts agree that the best time to treat stretch marks, is when they are still developing. 5 ways to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy:

#1. Eat a nutrient-rich diet and soak up some vitamin D
Stretch marks can also occur if your body is not adequately getting all the nutrition it needs. A good diet that can prevent stretch marks from happening should include foods rich in Vitamin C, D, E, zinc and protein.Many studies have shown a correlation between low levels of vitamin D and the occurrence of stretch marks. Maintaining a healthy level of vitamin D will reduce your risk of stretch marks. While the best way to get vitamin D is spending time under the sun

#2. Start applying Vitamin E
As mentioned already, experts agree that fresh stretch marks are easier to treat, so get in the game early! Start massaging daily with good oil or lotion that is rich in Vitamin E from your first trimester itself to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks.

5 ways to reduce stretch marks

#3. Use Mandarin Essential Oil
Mandarin oil is an essential oil that is very good for blood and lymph circulation. This helps to keep the skin rejuvenated and reduces stretch marks occurrence. Mandarin oil helps in the regeneration of new cells and tissues, and is very good for wound healing as well. Good to have on your shelf, in case of a C-section as well.

#4. Use Omega rich oil daily
Essential fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6 are not only good for the brain but also good for your skin. Omega 3 and 6 enhances tissue growth, and helps to improve the elasticity of skin and structural integrity of the skin – thus reducing the occurrence of stretch marks.

#5. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is key to good health and pregnancy is no different. In fact, you may feel more thirsty whilst pregnant so be sure to have that water bottle handy! Drinking optimum quantity of water will help you keep your skin hydrated and soft. Supple and soft skin doesn’t develop stretch marks as easily as dry skin. Drinking optimum amount of water is considered
one of the best home remedies for dry skin. So ladies! Bottoms up! For that glass of water, I mean!

Did you develop stretch marks while pregnant? Have they reduced? Share your story…

Author Bio
Anjana Bhartia is a mommy blogger at  MommyRepublic. She describes herself as an imperfect mom stumbling through motherhood, discovering the joys of natural and attachment parenting along the way.

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