Today’s authour is Aristotle. The Aristotle Quote I have chosen is:
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This quote speaks to me because I firmly believe in Quality. In fact, quality versus quantity is always a raging debate in my head. If I have to do a ob, I have to do it well. I have to do it to my satisfaction and uphold my standards of acceptance. I am not a perfectionist by any means, but I do have high standards. By ensuring what I do, in my personal or professional life adheres to quality gives me happiness and the satisfaction of a job well done. A sloppy job would be an act for me that bothers me no end. Yes done is better than perfect only when there is danger of not having done anything. The moment a job is done, the quality is under scrutiny. What is important to remember that most people who look at what you have done will only have the output and it’s quality to look at – not the effort and circumstances behind it.
I remember a story about a sculptor who has helped carve out the caves of Ajanta and Ellora. He was given the deepest and the darkest recess of the wave to carve. He came in day after day, chipping away the stone bit by bit and turning it into a gorgeous statue. The statue has perfect proportions and intricate details. One day, someone asked him why he spent such a huge effort on a corner that was unlikely to be seen and appreciated. Unfazed, the sculptor replied that God was watching. He said that he had to be true to his profession and uphold standards of quality. For that sculptor, quality was truly a habit, not an act.

Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then.
For A, I wrote about Adaptability.

Read all posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
That’s a great motivating post to read on a Monday morning!
BTW, I’m totally planning to steal this theme next year 😀 😛
haha… am glad I could inspire you… feel free to share your own quotes… would love to read them 🙂
My collection resides in the Screenshots folder of my phone. Not necessarily philosophical though 🙂 But will definitely share some day
Surely, quality does matter over anything else. I feel once you have given your heart to a work, it surely reaps benefit! Keep writing.
Here is my post for the #AtoZChallenge!
Definitely, quality trumps quantity in most cases. We should always strive to do our very best. I have these perfectionist tendencies that need to be kept at bay, sometimes.
Latest post: Azzurro: Going AWOL in Switzerland
Great choice of quote and definitely a good habit to get into!
I agree, quality over quantity is very important. I am a perfectionist about a lot of things, and not so much in others. As long as I am satisfied with the quality of my work, I don’t worry so much about what others’ opinions are. In my writing, for example, if I am happy with what I’ve written then I don’t care what anyone else thinks. They’re not the ones pouring their heart and soul into the writing, I am, and when I feel it’s done, it’s done. If I’m not happy with it, then I keep working on it until I am.
That being said, I hope at least a few people get some enjoyment out of my challenge posts this month, and can figure out what my theme is:
Persistent habits can bring quality. Very neat explanation. 🙂 Caves of Ajanta and Ellora was an enlightening example. 🙂
Happy A to Zing.. 🙂
It’s true. I really believe quality is an habit, and if you have it, you won’t disregard it with ease.
Unfortunately, I also believe that quality won’t always win you the prize… but that doesnt’ mean it’s not worth it 😉
The Old Shelter – 1940s Film Noir
It’s a great quote Ankita and certainly, it’s something to stick by- we can all change our lives if we start giving importance to quality!!!
Thanks Zainab… for someone as tenacious as you (read fitness inspiration) I am sure quality means a lot… thank you for sharing 🙂
That’s a great quote and an even better post to start the challenge! 🙂 Happy A to Z, Anks!
Thank you Shalini and same to you… for both your blogs!
That’s a great quote, Anks.
Agree with your views about quality.
Great people earn greatness.
Have read about Michelangelo upholding quality while painting the Sistine Chapel.
Thanks Annie 🙂 Oh yes, I have heard that one too..
I love the concept – indeed, God is watching! We do things as best we can, for our own satisfaction! What a great reminder on the very first day of this challenge!
Thank you Ishieta… the idea behind my theme is to inspire all of us to be a little happier, a little more motivater and a little better than we were before… hope these small reminders come in handy 🙂 thank you for visiting me… and leaving your comments…
This is very true – no place for mediocrity. Good start to a to z
Thank you Tina 🙂
I also believe that quality matters a lot. As quantity looses its effects somehow
well written. Thanks for sharing Amazing Guide to your First Menstrual Period
Thank you Dew…. quality gets one noticed…!
That reminds me of something that I’ve read lately: that we musn’t seek perfection, but excellence.
Name: Eva
Blog: Mail Adventures
#AtoZ Challenge Theme: Postcards
Letter A: Adventurers. Because any postcard is a little adventure, isn’t it?
Yea… excellence will manifest great quality in everything we do…. 🙂 thank you for sharing that