Today’s authour is Walt Disney. The Walt Disney Quote I have chosen is
[Tweet “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them – Walt Disney #AtoZChallenge”]
AtoZChallenge – Walt Disney QuoteDreams… those wonderful tools of hope that let you imagine what could be. Dreams… that make you say, One Day…. I will do this. I will be that. For so many of us, dreams remian just that… dreams. What holds us back? Fear. We can blame it on circumstances, we can blame it on lack of opportunity. We can blame it not knowing what to do so that we can fulfill our dreams. But those are excuses we tell ourselves. Dreams are fantastic because they let you imagine what can be. Many of us are scared of walkign the path to fulfillment because we think we can fail. If we do, our dreams shatter and then even the hope gets snatched from us.
Walt Disney knew this and he knew that all we need is courage. We need the courage to overcome this fear and every challenge that lies in the wake so that our dreams get fulfilled. You all know my dream – of becoming a writer and living off the royalty! What is yours?

Scroll the Header Gallery above to view the other Quotes. Simply click the navigation buttons on the bottom right of the header image. Or, your could just click and read all the AtoZ Challenge 2017 Quote posts.
Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then.
For W, I wrote about Women at Work
Read posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
The classic example of this quote is the journey of Walt Disney himself. He started his career as a cartoonist in local daily.
Someone I totally respect… he really changed the game for cinema using classic tales. Even today, that legacy that he started is so strong.
White House of Anaheim: A Tale of Kindness and Karma