Today’s authour is Xun Kuang. The Xun Kuang Quote I have chosen is
[Tweet “The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere. – Xun Kuang #AtoZChallenge”]

We are an age of multi taskers – and proud multi taskers at that. We proclaim that we have the capability to do many things at once. No? We watch TV, eat dinner and tweet our views out to the world at the same time. We attend a virtual meeting, think about how what is being discussed affects us and answer our emails at the same time. We play with our children and whatsapp our friends at the same time. Been there? Done that? You are not alone. Have you guys noticed what happens when we multi task like this? An hour after dinner, we do not remember what we ate. Those emails are full of typos. Our children complain we do not give them time.
Xun Kuang is saying just that, you can hop on as many boats you like. But at one time, ride only one. In the present moment, focus on the task you are doing without getting distracted. You’d be amazed at how much you can achieve! What do you guys think about this? Do any of you practice techniques for Mindfulness?

Scroll the Header Gallery above to view the other Quotes. Simply click the navigation buttons on the bottom right of the header image. Or, your could just click and read all the AtoZ Challenge 2017 Quote posts.
Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then.
Read posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
Ankita, liked your interpretation of the quote that focus on the task you are doing without getting distracted.
I use a list to stay on track and try to only do one thing at at time (though it is soooo tempting to do more). If I focus on one task, it gets done faster, I’m not distracted, and I know I’ve done quality work.
Thank you for the quote. It is what I needed this day.
kind of the minus point of modern technology, right… we end up multitasking and doing a lot of stuff but then none have our full attention.
I loved the quote. I multitask a lot but trying not to do so every minute. It’s tough to train the mind 🙂
My grandma always said never put your feet on two different boats… (the way she said wasn’t a reference to multitasking exactly, but it could be, if we want to interpret it that way I guess)