Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 4 : My Experience

Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 4
If you remember reading about Day 3, you’d know that I ended it on a bad note. I woke up on Day 4 with the same ill and giddy feeling. I lingered in bed for as long as I could and finally woke up to face the day. And oh what a day it was! Very very busy with me attending a lunch and hosting a dinner 🙂

Menu for Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 4

  • My first meal was half a banana as early as 6:00 am. I was feeling very ill and woke up because of that. I ate half a banana and fell asleep again
  • Breakfast was 1 and half of the remaining banana and and a mug of milk at 11.30 am
  • I was invited to lunch and my hostess knew about the diet. She called me the day before to ask what I could eat and bought 6 bananas for me! How thoughtful is that 🙂 I ate 3 of those. I cheated at lunch with half a bowl of curd and a few spoonfuls of chala
  • Mid evening snack was 1 banana at 6.30 pm
  • Dinner was 2 bananas at 9 pm

Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 4

Though I was much better off on Day 4, did not observe any major results of the diet. Weight loss is just 1 kilo. I wondered if it was all the cheating!

Read about why I did the GM Diet here
Read about my entire GM Diet Experience in this series here
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

6 thoughts on “Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 4 : My Experience”

  1. Pingback: Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 1 : My Experience

  2. Pingback: Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 3 : My Experience

  3. Pingback: Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 6 : My Experience

  4. Pingback: Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 5 : My Experience

  5. Pingback: Vegetarian Indian GM Diet Day 6 : My Experience

  6. Pingback: GM Diet Day 7 : My Experience

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