I remember a conversation with my husband around renewable energy sources. We had just seen a powerful video on disruptive technology. Disruptive technology is something which arrives and completely changes the way consumers buy things. The iPod, the mobile phone are all examples of disruptive technologies. Eventually, our discussion veered toward energy. He said that with the low fossil fuel reserves in India, we should quickly move toward renewable sources and we talked about Solar and Wind. During that time, neither of us knew much about the Wind energy and I got curious to know if India does have wind energy sources.
I read up a little about it and was quite pleased to know that India is the fifth largest producer of wind energy worldwide. There are wind farms in several states in the country, including Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra. I was surprised to learn that Tamil Nadu has been focussing on wind energy for about 30 years now and generates more than one third the total capacity all by itself. As a child, we have probably read picture books of faraway lands and spotted the occasional windmill in the illustration. Do any of you remember those pictures of stocky little windmills? To me they looked like a ceiling fan installed like a table fan! However, the wind farms today are nothing like that. Utilizing state of the art technology, the sleek windmills of today are an engineering marvel.
What do you think?
I have written this piece for Windergy India – a digital platform to create awareness about the Wind Energy sector in India. Windergy India aims to create wider public awareness on the benefits of wind energy, and the sectors efforts in India. Its mission to develop recommendation for Wind Energy among the general public.
Nicely elaborated, Ankita.
Natural sources of energy are the cleanest and most abundant sources. However, it’s currently expensive and oil controlling companies do not want to lose out on revenue. So it isn’t being pursued.
With entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and politicians like Narendra Modi, these sources will get a much needed shot in the arm and light up the world.
True. The good things is that Modi’s government is focusing on this and talking about it on forums like COP21. Hoping we will see some good movement soon!