Just Another Manic Monday #MicroblogMonday #MondayMusings

Manic Monday

I seem to be a having too many of them off late. Every Monday seems like a Manic Monday. But blog posts must be published even on those days… so what if it is a teeny tiny one. Today, definitely calls for this song!


[Tweet “Is it a #ManicMonday for you? Listen to this song then! “]

Day 20 – September Blogging Challenge


28 thoughts on “Just Another Manic Monday #MicroblogMonday #MondayMusings”

  1. Not a manic Monday. More like an out of sorts Monday. I feel like I can’t get traction with work early in the week. And then I have panicky Fridays.

    Thank you for the song break 🙂

    1. It was… I remember hearing a cover by someone in the 90s and then the original was played on radio during a late night show… There was an RJ on AIR who used to play awesome songs!!! Those days radio actually played music…

  2. My Monday has been smooth till now. Since Mondays have a tremendously high capability of going into whirlwinds, I plan in advance to deal with it by keeping it light and not scheduling too much work or any outside business.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post. Let me know your thoughts :)