This song has been stuck on my head for days now! I think ever since I crossed over to the thirties, I have not identified with any other song in this manner.
Even with the tongue twisting ‘thet’ Punjabi lyrics, I was able to understand the essence of the song. Quite a feat that, given I know only urban punjabi! The opening line itself sets the tone. Calling the protagonist challa (silly) and asking what are you searching for… It speaks of a soul trying to find a purpose in life.The agony of not knowing and the feeling of being all alone in a crowd.
I still dont know why this touched me in the way that it did. Mid life crisis perhaps? I should just dye my hair red and get a tattoo 
Ibnteresting point of view. I like this song, and the movie is one of my favourites, even though I am a Frenchman.
I thought “Challa” meant “Mad lover”, or something like that.
Now, in the middle of the songs, children are singin in the railway station.
Do you know what they are saying?