Today’s author is Khalil Gibran. The Khalil Gibran Quote I have chosen is
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When I first read it, I was confused. What is Khalil Gibran trying to say here? Is enhancement not progress? Then, I thought long and hard about it. Finally, I got it. Rather, I think I got it! Progress is to move forward in a journey. A journey is advancement to a goal that results in a change. As long as things are status quo, no matter how much you keep enhancing them, you are not making real progress.
Let me explain with a business analogy. In the corporate world, I used to be in a process automation role. When we worked on process issues, there were some that could be resolved by automation – enhancing the existing way of doing things. Then there were issues that had no easy resolution. When we went deeper into them, we began to question the very way of doing things and if certain tasks were necessary. Those questions made us change the way business was conducted and we received faster results. That was real progress! Look at the automation industry today. All pundits have predicted the demise of petrol and diesel vehicles before the next decade. No matter how fine tuned or fuel-efficient these cars become, the real progress comes only with the move towards electric cars.
Once I started thinking like this, I had many examples of disruptive technologies that caused a leap in progress. Then I began to wonder if this applies to people as well. It does. Our progress in life is living a more fulfilling, happier, healthier life. Once we have that goal in mind and constantly change and adapt ourselves, we are making progress. Change is the anchor here. We must change and change for a better version of us that we can be… what do you guys think about this quote? Do share your thoughts!

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Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then.
Read posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
Great quote! Happy A-to-Z-ing.
Very true.
Trying for progress makes sense. Better version of self means a better world.
The goal needs to pursued even though ‘Que Sera Sera’ i.e. whatever will be will be 🙂
Good co-incidence, with both of us writing on this great philosopher for K. Its amazing how he thought so much ahead of his times. His quotes are so relevant and handy in today’s challenges.
Electric cars or solar powered cars I am ready for them.Petrol and diesel has polluted the air we breathe enough.Superb quote
Remember the biological quote survival of the fittest. and this quote depicts the true essence of life. we need to be advance if we want success
Interesting post, enjoyed a lot
Thanks for sharing
Dr Bushra
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There’s no point in chasing things and not living life!
we can put a lot of effort into building our lives (career, marriage, children, house, car etc), but if it isn’t actually leading us towards a life that we want, there is no point to it all.
My A to Z:
I admit, until I read your explanation, the quote went over my head. But putting it into context gives it a lot of meaning.
When I wrote my post for today, I was thinking of another Gibran quote, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.” It’s either from the Prophet or Broken Wings, I forget now. But a quote I truly believe in.
As Khalil Gibran was a spiritual person, in my humble opinion, he was talking in spiritual context. ‘Progress lies not in enhancing what is’ means it isn’t about accumulating wealth and leading a luxury life.
‘By advancing towards what will be,’ he meant towards reaching your full potential. He was asking to expand consciousness. He was talking about spiritual journey. His ‘what will be’ means the state of highest wisdom, which is Baqaa in Sufism, Najat in Islam, Moksha in Jainism, Nirvana in Buddhism, Salvation in Christianity, and Mukti in Hinduism.
Well, in context of material world, you aptly interpreted quote.
Thanks Ravish. I have not read him and so did not have the spiritual context. What you have interpreted is very apt. Nirvana is the ultimate goal but we do not even try to pursue it in today’s world. I don’t think I am wise enough to think like that. However, I like to use the wisdom of others and apply it to my life in my limited capacity 🙂
I really liked your interpretation and could not have thought that myself!
Great explanation, Ravish! Wasn’t aware.