Low Immunity in Kids is a very real problem today. Infants and toddlers are constantly sick because they are being exposed to the various viruses. As they grow older, their immunity becomes stronger and the ability to fight them increases. This reduces the frequency of sickness. However, every time the weather changes or they start a new life activity, the exposure increases. About a year ago, my daughter was falling ill constantly. In December alone, she missed school for about ten days. We were worried. Her paediatrician said that her immunity was low and she was susceptible to infections during weather changes. What followed was a nightmare of keeping her protected. No sweets, no cold stuff, no soft drinks and no outside food. After a while, I was tired of being a tyrannical mom whose response to all food related indulgences was a big, resounding NO. We looked up various ways to boost her immunity and a combination of these measures to get rid of low immunity in kids seem to have worked for us –
How to get rid of Low Immunity in Kids
- Weight Management – My daughter was under weight and the first instruction to us was to get her into the healthy weight category. We are still fighting this battle because my kiddo just refuses to eat. We have slowly increased portions, enlisted help of teachers and added dairy, butter and ghee to her diet to help her gain weight. It is very easy to fall into the trap of fatty food here but that is not the idea. Her weight needs to be increased in a healthy way so eating a balanced diet where she gets adequate nutrition is very important.
- Eggs – The internet has called tons of items superfoods. There is no dearth of listicles promoting everything from broccoli to chia seeds. My daughter’s favourite superfood are eggs. An egg a day keeps the doctor away became my mantra with her. The best part about eggs is that they are very versatile and easy to make. They make a great breakfast or even an evening snack. Boiled, poached and sunny side up are the healthiest options and once in a while, a cheesy scrambled makes for a good treat. I find that an omelette wrapped in a paratha makes for an ideal tiffin. easy to make and easy consume.
- Nuts and Seeds – We replaced biscuits and cookies with nuts and seeds as munching options. Our stock of remade snacks was simply replaced by almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and the like. The entire family had to make this switch because you can not tell your child not to have it when you keep eating those sugary snacks. And you know what, we are all happier and healthier! That is not to say she is off sugary snacks altogether, but the intake is lesser.
- Probiotics – A healthy gut is essential to fight stomach based infections and there is nothing better than probiotic! Along with her regular portions of curd, we started her on probiotic drinks everyday. If you wish to read more about probiotic, here is an excellent blog post by Dr. Amrita.
- Immunity Boosters – Even when we do all of the above, we can sometimes not control the quality of ingredients and hence, their effectiveness. An extra boost to the immunity can be provided, that too in a yummy way with ActivKids Immuno Booster. We went through our fair share of products and I was used to disguising it in her favourite hot chocolate or milkshakes and even cup cakes. But when I shared this one with her… well, see for yourself what happened!
She loved that she could enjoy a yummy choco bite that would even boost her immunity. Now instead of me chasing her to take her booster, she chases me to have it! Talk about role reversal. I am still upset that we missed the early signs when she complained of fatigue all the time and attributed her constant cold and fever to the weather. I wish I had known back then that her immunity needed work. I would have started this sooner and saved her a lot of pain. Now, I am more aware and am sure with constant focus on nutrition and use of products like Activ Kids Immuno Booster, I will stop worrying about her immunity and become a true YesMom.
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This is a sponsored post. The brand association has not impacted my or my daughter’s view of the product. This post speaks of my experiences and is not a replacement of medical advice. If you wish to try it, it is available on Amazon
Great tips for improving immunity – at the end of the day its good eating and also fresh foods that help the body build up great immunity!!