Self Care

These days you hear a lot about self care. There are scores of articles and social media posts devoted to the importance of self care and women, especially mothers talking about how they practice it. When I started reading about it, I wondered, “What exactly is self care?”

The fluffy articles and most social posts did not help, for the self care they talked about was fragrant bubble baths, exotic face masks and spa days. Now I don’t have a bath tub, am not fond of face masks and spas make me uneasy. Self care is not for me, I thought. And yet, the phrase stuck. Surely, they would have called it leisurely grooming, why self care? So I did what Hermione Granger would do. I read up! As I did, the true meaning of self care emerged. Simply put, self care is all about a woman taking care of her own self along with every thing else that she do. Ideally, this needn’t be a gender thing. Everyone should take care of themselves. So, why has this conversation come to light now? Because we expect the women to be self sacrificing. Self care is about realising that being an individual is as important as being a mother, a wife, a daughter-in-law or any other role that demands a care giving role from women. Self care is not just face masks and spas. It could be if you like it, but it goes much deeper. Self care is about making time for enriching your mind and body in ways that you like. For some, it could be reading, painting or sleeping. For others it could be travelling, swimming or a regular evening out with friends. 

To all the women out there, I just want to say this. Don’t be swayed by the glam magazines and social media pictures. The most important aspect of self care is self. It is you. Do what you want , do what you like. But do it. Make time for it. A happier you will make a happier family! There are no rules for self care and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Your way of self care is the right way of your self care. And this, is true for all women. 

When I looked back at my life, I have been practising self care all along. Whether it has been reading, blogging or even travel, I have invested my time in myself. With the arrival of my second kid, time became scarce. Self care did take a back seat but I am making a conscious this year. If you have been following my Instagram posts and stories, you have probably seen it. 

I must have been giving out that vibe because this Women’s Day, ZoomIn reached out and offered me the gift of memories, so I remember by beautiful self care moments. I immediately thought back to all the travel I did, especially solo travel. Or even when I travelled with family, I did activities I wanted to, even when the others were not keen. They sent a set of 24 beautiful Polaroids, each a reminder of my love for travel. In addition, they asked me to create a book of precious memories and I chose to document my moments of love from last year. Together, these two complete me. Me, the mother, wife, daughter, sister… and me the person, the blogger, the career-woman who travels because her work demands it, because her blogging brings her the opportunities and because she loves it. I plan to string these Polaroids and stick them up over my desk – in office and at home – to remind me of these beautiful moments and the need to practice self care always.

On that note, Happy Women’s Day to all of you. Do share with me how you practice self care. How do you do it? What do you do?

Sponsored Post: Zoomin has sent me the photographs and photobook in exchange for this write up.

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