- Para Sailed and looked at a glittering green ocean from what seemed like the top of the world. Then turned my head to look at land… small houses, tiny roads… had my gaze pulled back to the ocean and observed the dark patches on the water. Realised that they were the plants growing on the sea bed! Really wished I had a camera at that point.
- Walked on the sea bed and reached out to fish swimming within two centimeters of me
- Wore a two piece swimsuit and got tan lines all over my back!!!
- Ate octopus – hard meat, very little flavour…. Didn’t like it much…
- Rode the front of a speedboat… loved the wind hitting my face…had my hair whipped over my face and shrieked with pleasure every time the boat took a turn…
- Saw mounds of soil in 7 different colours and a million different shades and wondered if the mounds were natural or man-made… the soil was, by the way… natural!
- Walked around the whole day in a swimsuit and sarong! 🙂
- Braved about 4 degrees temperature… without any woolens or frowns!
- Spent almost 14 hours smiling in an outfit that weighed 20 kgs!
- And also got married!!!
Things I did for the first time in life this year…