Picture this, I am in sweats, my hair is on top of my head in a messy bun and my lips are a bright cheery red. While I have lost my fear of red now, thanks to my wonderful beauty blogger buddies.. i still have the old habit of wearing it around the house when alone. Instant pick me up for me.
Another feel good factor is music. For the longest time, I only listened to old hindi songs. Now, I listen to the new ones all the time. I am also mildly obsessed with relaxation music and listen to a lot of instrumental stuff. Brian Silas is my all time favourite.
Writing this post, I realised that while these pick me ups work, the effect is not long lasting. What ultimately pulls you out of the dumps is your own will to get out of it. Accepting the cause of misery and doing everything you can to get out of it is the only thing that will ultimately help. Even if it takes longer than you like, you have to keep trying….