Ever since I remember, people praising me have called me cute (not that there have been many instances when I have been praised for my looks, I think I have been praised more for my mind and I prefer it that way!) As a teen, I used to wonder what was the difference between cute, pretty and beautiful, especially when guys classified them as such. Later on, when I interacted more freely with the guys, especially the male colleagues in my team, I realised that beautiful was the title given to girls they really admired but felt a bit intimidated by. Pretty was every good looking girl and the cute ones were the nice ones. Now, I may be completely wrong here but this observation etched the definitions in my mind.

A few days ago, I was at my mum’s place and was seeing some old pictures with my daughter who called someone cute. That remark made me think. Does that definition really apply? Or have I miscategorised the female population on the basis of incorrect observations. Even before the thought was completed, I felt ashamed of myself. Why must women be categorised thus? And more importantly, why have I been doing it subconsciously. If I see them differently, do I behave with them differently? These are questions I am still finding answers for.
What about you? Do you feel the same? Do you agree with me or think I am bonkers?
See all A to Z Challenge 2019 posts here

This is my third year doing the A to Z Challenge. Check out the posts from 2017 where I did A to Z of Quotes

I agree with your classification of the terms – or at least my teen self does! I was so critical of myself and others. Now I know I’m still too critical of myself, but I’m proud that I see other women and automatically think they’re beautiful because they are so strong and put-together. And you’re gorgeous!
You’re right. We often define ourselves in way that come from the outside rather than from the insdie and we often don’t even realise it.
That’s why I think you’re doing a great service writing this challenge. You do make us think. You are certainly make ME think.
You’re mind blowing. You are handling two kids, one being a new born and doing so well in the field of writing. If I had to describe you in one word, it would always be superwoman.
P. S. – I’ve always been termed as sweet, primarily because I gave been healthy all my life. Beautiful isn’t a word that people like to associate with plus sized women.