They say change is the only constant. But when the change is for the worse, how do you cope with that? Some time back, I had a successful stint with the Wheat Belly Diet and lost a few inches. The change was noticeable and lots of people commented on my weight loss. But then, I had to discontinue it. I tried to maintain it by the occasional GM Diet but that is not a sustainable solution. So, my weight loss reversed and over the last few months, I have put on a lot of weight. I did stop eating carbs and then stopped eating dinner altogether but nothing seems to be working. If you have seen my social media posts about my brother’s wedding, you know what I mean. I resemble a football these days.

Recently, my brother gifted me a fitness band which did increase some awareness toward fitness but I think I need some miracle to help me out. Have joined two support groups now to help control the diet further and be regular with exercise. Hoping this works!
You changed your blog theme again!! Paid?
Nope. I am cheap like that!
Cake always solves the problem with that. Have you tried it? You should try it. Believe me, I know.
And I am still searching for the football. Is it a Nike one or a Adidas one?