Today’s authour is JK Rowling. The JK Rowling quote I have chosen is
[Tweet “Our choices show what we truly are, far more than our abilities – @jk_rowling #AtoZChallenge”]

Potterheads will know that this line was said by Professor Dumbledore to Harry in book 2; Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. For those unfamiliar with the series, the protagonist discovers similarities in his own and the antagonist’s circumstances. This troubles him no end for he had no desire to be like the antagonist, Lord Voldemort who had murdered his parents.
As a parent, I often tell my daughter that what you can do is not as important as what you choose to do. As a corporate worker ant, I know that potential gets you opportunities but what you actually choose to do with them is what brings real success to you. If all of us remembered that even in the face of the biggest adversity, we do have a choice and these choices define what we are, we could really bring out the best in ourselves.
What say?

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Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then.
Read posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
I love Harry Potter because it has life lessons with magic.Deeply believe this quote
Interesting post. Make the suitable and accurate choices.
Do not be afraid to make choices, or to look for those outside of the norm. Too many people live in a tight, stagnant world without variety. I say embrace the choices. Look for the impossible. Live your life for yourself, not anyone else.
We always have a choice for everything – in thoughts and in action (or lack of it). Loved the Harry Potter series and JKRowling’s power of pen.
Have read this before and absolutely like it! 🙂
Our descions effects our destiny a lot agreed with you totally beautifully penned
Thanks for sharing
Dr bushra
do visit mine
J for Jubilant Yourself with the Healthy Diet for Pregnancy
Wonderful post. It is our choices that make us. Well said.
Justify #Lexicon of Leaving
I really needed to hear this today 🙂 sometimes all we have are our choices! We may have abilities, but sometimes those are’nt the choice available either!
I love that quote from Harry Potter. To be fair there’s loads of great and seemingly iconic quotes from J.K. Rowling nowadays but that one is so good because it really values our choices and what we choose to do with any opportunities that are presented to ourselves.
J is for Jesús Navas
You nailed it, Ankita. We are outcome of our choices. In the Universe, the only FREEDOM we have is of Choice. We cannot change the circumstances but we can choose how to respond in a given circumstance.
There are so many good quotes in the whole series! I can never choose which is the best, but this one’s definitely up there. Another one I really like is when Sirius says that if you want to know what a man’s really like, observe how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
Oh I like that too… but didn’t Dumbledore say this about Sirius? or was it Lupin?
Yes Ankita. Our choices prove the way we are; our attitude towards life. Great explanation of the quote.
Thank you… am glad you liked it!
Great post, Ankita! In fact, choosing has always been a hard thing for me. I’m forever torn between what works for me and what others around me might think. Will they disapprove or be ok with it. I’ve only now started loosening up to consciously choose what I’m okay with and not worry about other things. And you are so right about how our choices really make us! Sometimes I do wonder how would life be if I had made other choices available to me but didn’t! That’s an interesting thing to ponder about 🙂
Don’t get lost in the “What if…” I never like the outcome of those wanderings… it is a god thinking you are now giving more importancr to what you like and being okay with the rest of the world not approving it!
This applies to pretty much every decision we take: from our jobs to our friends to our lifestyle to our opinions. Such a powerful quote. Wouldn’t expect anything less from JKR.
It totally does.. every little choice matters. That is why perhaps childhood is said to be easier. The biggest decisions are what game to play, what book to read and whether to throw a tantrum during dinner or not 😛
JKR is my absolute favourite writer!!! Love her to bits… even more after I see her non-nonsense attitude on twitter