Today’s authour is Oprah Winfrey. The Oprah Winfrey Quote I have chosen is
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Oprah Winfrey is a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. She has spoken about the book, The Secret on her show. This quote of hers is is a direct interpretation of the law : Like attracts Like. We get more of what we focus on. If we focus on the positive, we get more positive and vice versa. Being grateful fo what you have, praising the people in our lives and celebrating everything possible gives us more and more of it. The old adage Every dark cloud has a Silver lining alludes to the same thing. If we find the positive in every situation, it can become an anchor for our feelings and bring in more positivity.
This is easier said than done though. When we are in a bad situation, it is human nature to despair easily. I have been there and hence I know. Having a coach or a buddy who can then help you see the positive, be supportive and just shows you how much better off you are compared to million others can bring the gratitude right back into your life! A powerful tool to that is Gratitude lists. When we write a Gratitude Lists regularly, it become second nature and also helps us do back and read all of that when we are in need of direction.

Scroll the Header Gallery above to view the other Quotes. Simply click the navigation buttons on the bottom right of the header image. Or, your could just click and read all the AtoZ Challenge 2017 Quote posts.
Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then.
Read posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
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I love that quote from Oprah and completely agree! If you are pessimistic, you are more likely to be negative; if you are positive and open to seeing things as “good”, you are more likely to be optimistic. Thanks for sharing this quote for A-Z!
With Love,
So true Mandy… our optimism can drive us to do much better and feel good about everything while we are at it 🙂
Basically the power of positive thinking, eh? Oprah is Awesome.
Gail Park
Making Life an Art
That she is! Positive thinking can do wonders… no?
Completely agree with you, Ankita, it’s easier to say but tough to implement it in life, gratitude list is indeed a good way to start the practice.
Hey Ravish… do you make them?
Great way to look at life 🙂 Happy A-to-Z-ing.
Indeed! Same to you:)
I write about what makes me thankful every week.I do fall of the wagon sometinea and start cribbing.But mostly it’s great.
I’ve been thinking of making gratitude lists for a while. I’ve taken up 100 Happy Days, and I’m experiencing the essence of what Oprah’s said here.
Something I heartily agree with and try to live by. Looking for the little things that make up what make life worth living. It’s all beautiful! 🙂
Wow that was quick! And guess what, I am not the only early morning blogger around here! Stop and smell the roses is something I used to say even back in college… truly the little things make life worth living!