Today’s authour is Ursula K Le Guin. The Ursula K Le Guin Quote I have chosen is
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This quote is about preparedness and anyone who has taken a major exam in their life will know this. During my exams, I always thought there is some more that I can read, there is some more that I can study. No matter what I felt, I had to shut my books a few hours before and get there to take the exam.
The same way, situations in life will come up and you will have to face them. Ready or Not! Benjamin Franklin also says the same thing but more directly. So if the morning is indeed going to come, let us set the alarms and face the morning. What say?

Scroll the Header Gallery above to view the other Quotes. Simply click the navigation buttons on the bottom right of the header image. Or, your could just click and read all the AtoZ Challenge 2017 Quote posts.
Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then.
Read posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
I like that quote. Though I don’t usually set an alarm. I wake up naturally about the same time every day and I figure if I sleep later it is because I needed the sleep. I have insomnia often and thankfully a job with flexible hours. And maybe it is because of my insomnia that I like the quote. It doesn’t matter if I’m awake half the night morning is going to come. Girl Who Reads
Wow… being able to wake up without an alarm is an amazing skill! You are so positive in the face of your insomnia… it is an inspiration