Today’s authour is Henry Ford. The Henry Ford quote I have chosen is
[Tweet “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right – Henry Ford #AtoZChallenge”]

This was one of the first quotes I had read when I first learnt the Law of Attraction. In that sense, it was the first lesson in self belief for me. In fact, that session was so inspiring that I walked on broken glasses barefoot. I also teamed up with another lady and we bent a steel rod held on our throats… in fact, we were not the only ones. At least twenty other women in the room did it. There were no casualities. Not a single woman was hurt. Al of us were regular women. None was a martial arts expert who may have had prior training to do this. It was our first practical demonstration of
Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.

Scroll the Header Gallery above to view the other Quotes. Simply click the navigation buttons on the bottom right of the header image. Or, your could just click and read all the AtoZ Challenge 2017 Quote posts
Did you know that I attempted the AtoZ Challenge in 2015 too? I wrote about the AtoZ of Professional Life then. For H, I wrote about Human Capital
Read posts from the AtoZ Challenge 2015 about A to Z of Professional Life
Great encouragement! Have you had engagement with your past AtoZ links? I thought about doing that.
bare foot on broken glass!!!!!!!!!!! I am not sure if I can do that knowinglly.
If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right!
Great quote! Henry Ford was a smart person
Yes it really depend on our determination to be or not to be
Beautifully penned, Thanks for sharing
Dr. Bushra
Do visit mine
H for Heedful about The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy
Thank you for visiting everyday and leaving your comments… 🙂 I really appreciate it…
Determination plays a mighty big role!
Nice One. But how did you that?
With a lot of help from my coach….! Did you check the photo out in the linked post?
Nice one. Kudos for the glass walk and the steel rod bend. 🙂
Thanks… it was empowering to do and definitely worth talking about!